Hey Mama! You are in the thick of motherhood. Making meals, raising babies and growing babies. You are busy! Let me take one thing off you plate… capturing precious moments!

I am a lover of all things birth, babies and mamas! I am a heavy researcher and annoy most people with “fun facts.” If you ever want to talk pregnancy, motherhood, parenting or birth …I am your girl!

I have been in your shoes 4 times. The first was in BFP (big fat positive) came in June 2020. My husband, Max and I had been married 2 years prior and were over the moon for our growing little “blueberry.” We were met with sorrowful faces on October 15th with the news that our “blueberry” no longer had a heartbeat. Nothing prepares you for those words! The following week I had a D&C.

Our second BFP came December 31st 2020 and we welcomes our not so little Jaxon into the world in August 2021. That pregancy was wrought with much worry and anxiety over every cramp and spot.

BFP three happened June 2022, however, call it what you want but Mother’s intuition, I knew deep down this wouldn’t stick. Shortly after in July we lost this baby at 7 weeks.

Then, October 2023, almost 3 years to the day from losing our “blueberry,” I saw those 2 little lines again. I was anxiety ridden from the day those lines appeared until the day I held Gia in my arms. It didn’t matter how sick I was and I WAS sick! I couldn’t believe she was okay until I got to my appointments! I counted down the days to the next time I could here her little heartbeat.

I know you, I know your worries, you stressors, I know you fret over the stillness of the baby and that baby may be moving too much. I know you worry you aren’t eating right, or working out enough. I know you are reading every book, listening to every podcast and following all the people on Instagram.

Birth Photographer Biography image in studio

Hi! I’m Kara!

When you book with me you will be ……

  1. Safe

Pregnancy, birth and newborn life are full of many changes. All of these changes can come with waves of emotions, doubts, and insecurities. I pledge that when you book with me, you will be in a safe space for any emotions, thoughts, concerns you may have.

2. Supported

The best births are those that are full supported by the whole birth team through co-operative and informative decision making. I pledge to listen, support and work WITH you as you navigate these changes to your family.

3. Celebrated

You have created a new life. That deserves some major accolades! I pledge to celebrate every milestone of your growing family no matter how big or how small. You DID IT!

Outdoor Family session of mother, father and 2 kids toddler and baby in a park in arizona

Welcome to the Family!

  • Max and I met in 2014 when my roommate liked his roommate. Many Disney movie and Boy Meets World nights later… and a cat and mouse game of who likes who, we finally started dating in 2016. We became engaged in Jan 2018 while living in different states and wed in June 2018. We finally lived in the same state!

  • Prior to being a mom, I taught elementary school for 6 years. When Max graduated and became Dr. Slade in 2022, I left teaching to raise our kiddos and grow this business. It was the best decision I ever made!

In studio mother and son photo session
In studio mother daughter photo session

The Kids

  • Jax is our first. He is full of energy, adventure and curiosity. He did not like being a big brother for the first few months, but is now THE BEST big brother to his “baby girl.” He is the reason I am so passionate about maternal autonomy.

  • Our second and spicy little mama! She came out of the womb like a koala. Full of cuddles, contact naps and cosleeping. She has changed my entire mindset on parenting.

My Love for Birth

  • This is not true for everyone… but I have always been a lover of knowledge and massive researcher! When I was pregnant with our “blueberry” I dove into everything I could find about pregnancy. Podcasts, books, youtube videos, IG posts. You name it I read it. This continued into our other 3 pregnancies.

  • It took a while to process Jaxon’s birth, we will get into that later, but once I did I KNEW I needed to stay in the Birth World.