5 Tips for Preparing Physically for Labor

OK…. We have all heard it. “Labor and Delivery is like a marathon” …. But what does that actually mean?!

Honestly, it’s not just Labor and Delivery that are taxing but lets face it… the entire pregnancy. I mean, the New York Times just released an article last week with studies that show it takes 50,000 calories to sustain a full term pregnancy. When broken out, that is just under 200 calories a day. The equivalent of a 1 hr aerobic workout or briskly walking 2 miles.

So…. how can we prepare our bodies during pregnancy for labor and delivery? Here are 5 tips

  1. Walk.

    Yes… It’s simple but it makes a huge difference! Your body is preparing for the biggest physical even of it’s life. The best way to prep is to move your body. This not only helps with your mobility during labor but it also helps get baby into a good position. As you walk, your hips sway and gentle moves baby down.

  2. Squats.

    Not with weight, just your body weight (and your belly). Standard squats are most likely uncomfortable at this point. I recommend setting your legs wider than your hips and rotating your toes outwardly. This is a sumo squat. Then just get low! A birthing ball a great assist for this motion.

  3. Using a Birthing ball!

    There are so many ways you can utilize a yoga or birthing ball. As we spoke about above getting into a low wide squat, rolling your hips from side to side in lunges, bouncing and even resting your forearms on it with your knees on the ground is great as well. With your arms on the ball, your belly hangs with gravity in a modified table top giving a lovely release in your back.

  4. Diaphragmatic breathing.

    I am a HUGE fan of this pregnant or otherwise. The muscles engaged with diaphragmatic, or belly, breathing are the muscles you use to control your pushing. When I was teaching, I would practice breathing as I walked and monitored testing. Simple inhale expanding your belly. When you exhale, think of your abdominal muscles giving baby a hug as they squeeze belly up and in. Here is a great video tutorial!

  5. REST!

    Labor can be a long and arduous process. You don’t want to expound all your energy prepping and trying to get baby out before you actually start pushing. Yes, I know this is better said than done. But, you will thank me later!

In the end of the day, you will birth baby no matter how you physically prepare.

Your body is doing an amazing job growing and sustaining life right now…. how freaking cool is that! So, if the idea of physically preparing stresses you out. Don’t. You got this! And if you are a planner and prepper and googled “how to prep for labor,” then found this. I hope this helped! If you have any other tips, let us know in the comments!


3 tips to Mentally Prepare for Labor


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